
Global buys Heartland for $3.8b

Global buys Heartland …Wow!  In what appears as an effort to increase customer satisfaction, Global Payments buys Heartland Payment Systems for $3.8 billion.  The Heartland makeover over the past decade, has not only drawn attention from the industry,...

Use OPM for your Ad Budget!

Did you know that McDonald’s uses Other People’s Money (OPM) to help stretch their Advertising Budget?  It’s true – and YOU can get it too!:  Ray Kroc knew a thing or two about building a business from scratch.  When you start a...

Customer Satisfaction is my 401k

[WHO is your best bet for a Payment Processing?] When choosing a credit card processor, most experienced business owners prefer to work directly with the source. Visa and MasterCard designate payment processors to set up the warehouses full of computers to move the...

Why businesses must switch to EMV!

The ABC’s of EMV Technology: If you’re confused about what’s next and why you should switch to EMV (Europay, Mastercard, Visa) technology – this is a must read! It’s coming. Whether you like it or not, EMV technology will be here on...

The 4 Differences Between Square and REAL Credit Card Processing

1. “USER” Account .vs Actual/Direct Processing: The industry term for a User Account, such as Square or Paypal, is “Aggregator”.  An Aggregator sets up a master account that processes transactions in bulk.  Each transaction is first identified and classified...

Credit Card Industry Jargon

Credit card industry jargon can be extremely confusing. Have you ever stumbled through a document that mentions ACH, EMV, CVC and MICR all in the same paragraph? We know the payments industry isn’t the friendliest of authors and, while we can’t make all of the...