
Clover Go Mobile Payments


Mobile Payment Processing Swiper for Ignite/First Data accounts.

EMV and swipe capapble

Inventory Management Included

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With Clover Go, you can securely and reliably accept both credit and debit cards – including EMV® chip cards – right from your personal smartphone or tablet. And it comes with clear, intuitive reporting on sales activity, along with powerful insights to help your business grow.

The Clover Go specifications are:

  • Dimensions: 67x49x19 mm
  • Battery: Li-Ion rechargeable – 260 mAh
  • Connectivity: Micro USB for charging 3.5 mm audio jack connector
  • Encryption: TDES DUKPT, TransArmor®
  • Supported OS iOS 7.1 and Android 4.1 (and higher)